Mediation is a methodology that has proven successful in resolving conflicts and may be used at all levels and at different points of a conflict. According to Moore (2014, p.8), “Mediation is a conflict resolution process in which a mutually acceptable third party, who has no authority to make binding decisions for disputants, intervenes in a conflict or dispute to assist involved parties to improve their relationships, enhance communications, and use effective problem-solving and negotiation procedures to reach voluntary and mutually acceptable understandings or agreements on contested issues.”
According to the United Nations Guidance for Effective Mediation (2012, p.4), mediation is “a process whereby a third party assists two or more parties, with their consent, to prevent, manage or resolve a conflict by helping them to develop mutually acceptable agreements.”
According to the 2020 EU Concept on Mediation (2020, p.2), “Mediation is a way of assisting negotiations between conflict parties and transforming conflicts with the support of an accepted third party. The general goal of mediation is to enable parties in conflict to reach agreements they find satisfactory and are willing to implement.”
This Thematic Action Area offers resources, discussions & more for you to strengthen & coordinate mediation work.
Share your own resourcesWater, Peace, and Politics: The Ethiopian Renaissance Dam from Polarization to Prosperity
ResourceTheme: Climate Change & Conflict, Conflict Sensitivity & Integration, Democracy & Governance, Human Rights, Humanitarian & Emergency Response Programming, International Development, Mediation, Peacebuilding
Region: Africa, Middle East & North Africa
Renforcer la prévention des conflits en augmentant l’engagement des jeunes dans les processus de médiation locaux – Collecte des effets
ResourceTheme: Climate Change & Conflict, Mediation, Peace & Security
Region: Africa
Youth and Peace and Security: The Report of the Secretary-General
ResourceTheme: Climate Change & Conflict, Democracy & Governance, Human Rights, Mediation, Peace & Security, Peace Processes, Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding & Urbanization, Protection & Inclusion
Region: Global
Final Evaluation | Building Peace from the Inside: Supporting Insider Mediation for Sustainable Transformation of Conflict
ResourceTheme: Evaluation & Learning, General, Mediation, Peacebuilding
Region: Africa