Meeting with the team and other people in this platform

Home Discussion Meeting with the team and other people in this platform

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    • Hi Team, I’m joining from Sierra Leone, I spent my time on the internet through out the day exploring internet there are found ConnectUs. As the name implies ConnectUs I want to be connected with different people around the global who are trying to promote communities, We work on promoting and protecting vulnerable groups in the rural areas. we address issue of women, children, youths and person with disability.

      I joined this platform to have exchange knowledge and partner with those that we have the same goal.


    • goog idea i think…

    • We’re so glad to have you here, Ibrahim, and you’re exactly correct – let’s find out what connects us! It sounds like you do a lot of great work on really important issues.

      What would like to exchange knowledge about? What kind of partnerships are you looking for?

    • This post is really superb


    • By Anonymous

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