Peace & Security
Frequently Asked Questions
Peacebuilding is a broad range of measures implemented in the context of emerging, current, or post-conflict situations & which are explicitly guided & motivated by a primary commitment to the prevention of violent conflict & the promotion of a lasting & sustainable peace (Search for Common Ground).
Increasingly, peacebuilding organizations are collaborating with other sectors to ensure the greatest positive impact through aid programming. In many cases, we are working to address the same problem but from a different perspective. The thematic action areas on ConnexUs effectively demonstrate the cross-sectoral nature of peacebuilding & its integration with other fields. We encourage you to explore other themes to find partnership & collaboration opportunities across sectors.
Share your own resourcesConflict-Sensitive Approach to Program Activities
ResourceTheme: Asia Religious & Ethnic Freedom, Climate Change & Conflict, Conflict Sensitivity & Integration, Freedom of Religion or Belief, General, Human Rights, International Development, Peace & Security, Peacebuilding, Program Design, Program Monitoring, Protection & Inclusion
Introduction à la Sensibilité aux Conflits
ResourceTheme: Conflict Sensitivity & Integration, Evaluation & Learning, General, Human Rights, Humanitarian & Emergency Response Programming, Peace & Security, Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding & Urbanization, Program Design
Region: Global
Core Group of Digital Community Stewards – SHE LEADS
ResourceTheme: Peace & Security, Technology for Good: Digital Peacebuilding, Women, Peace & Security
Region: Asia