How can we enhance trust in government to promote vaccine uptake?

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    • According to a recent report on trust in authorities by Search for Common Ground:

      “The lack of trust in the government response system has affected trust in COVID-19 related information shared through different media channels, and in several cases, the information coming directly from the government was perceived to be inaccurate or (purposefully or not) incomplete,”

      resulting in major risks and opportunities when planning for a potential vaccine roll-out in conflict settings.

      Campaigns are underway across the world that aim to reduce skepticism and increase uptake of the vaccine. Examples include public service ads in the United States, a cheerful cartoon dog chatbot in Japan, a Vaccine Community Innovation Challenge in Canada, a citizens’ vaccine panel in France, and a publicity campaign to counter popular myths in South Africa.

      What are you thoughts on ways to enhance trust in government to promote vaccine uptake? Are there efforts underway in your country to promote trust in the vaccine?

    • By Eric

      We are seeing an uptick in trust and in vaccination percentages here in the US and a lot of that is driven by influencers who publicly show themselves getting the shot. This is not just public influencers, but perhaps even more importantly it includes local influencers like teachers, coaches, pastors, rabbis, and mayors, who promote the vaccines.

      At my company, Testd, we provide a blockchain-based software platform to digitally record Covid tests and vaccinations. Blockchain is specifically designed to manufacture trust via a decentralized ledger that can privately secure a person’s medical records while making anonymous data available to public health officials. We are currently working with municipalities in the US, and I believe that blockchain-based systems like ours help increase trust in using public testing and vaccination sites.

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        This is a great point, Eric – especially the importance of local influencers, not just public influencers, promoting the vaccines.

        Testd looks like a comprehensive and tailored response to the test and vaccination (and tied in trust) challenges we’re facing. Are there any plans or possibilities for it to expand beyond the US?

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