Adaptation in the Time of COVID-19

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    • Welcome to our first 100 ConnexUs users – we’re so excited to have you here!

      Every week or so, we’ll post a discussion topic that Connex Us. Let’s get started!

      • What are the most immediate challenges that COVID-19 has presented to your work?
      • What responses (tools, strategies, partnerships, etc.) have you found most beneficial to address these challenges?
      • What would you like to see in the future as solutions to the challenges you’ve faced?

      We look forward to your responses, and feel free to reply to others’ comments if you agree and/or have something to add.

    • For me in Operations & Safety, Covid has vastly both changed all of my work, and in some other ways, had virtually zero effect.  I have to focus on Covid a lot, and so that can be psychologically difficult, especially as we are now a year in and we inevitably have to adjust to the idea of fatigue.

      What is important for me to stress is the importance of having a comfortable place to work that you can walk away from at the end of the day.  I worked remotely most of the time for years before Covid, so I am fortunate in this regard that I had already given this some thought.  It has helped me to be sure.

      I think a continued focus on work-life balance is important in the future.  We are all overachievers, and turning this off is easy to tell others, but much harder to tell ourselves.   We also need to be proactive in making decisions in office occupancy and design to help others to feel better and to understand how they need to adapt with as much notice as is possible.

      • This is a great point, Brad. I’ve found working remotely in Covid times very different and more difficult than previously. In a world of 24/7 media and a global pandemic, my attention span tends to fluctuate more and I’ve definitely found it more difficult to shut off or disconnect from work entirely.

    • I think one of the main challenges I’ve seen over the last year is our lack of digital capacity (across the peacebuilding, development, and humanitarian nexus). This has improved over the last 6 months as most people seem to have realised that digital technology isn’t a catch all solution, but a tool to generate solutions.

      Another challenge is our lack of coordination across organisations & sectors. We work in sectors that are constrained by resources that are ultimately trying to improve the lives of the most vulnerable in our society. We owe it to them, if not to our own effectiveness, to try and coordinate our actions to maximise impact.


    • I work on Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, and while the pandemic has forced us to shift and adapt our strategies, especially when it comes to monitoring & data collection, I have also seen it as an opportunity for us to reflect on ways we could be more efficient in the way we collect & share data.

      We work in conflict-affected areas, and travel and access to participants are often challenging, and will continue to be when this current health crisis is over. So I hope that some of the adaptations we have made (SMS and phone data collection for monitoring, adapting training on WhatsApp, using dedicated software for social media monitoring to quote a few) will also help us to be more inclusive moving forward. It can also help us reduce our negative impact on the environment, which is another challenge we will continue to grapple with in the post-COVID era!

      Curious to hear from other organizations if they have seen similar adaptations that they feel have helped address other challenges and can be positive innovations we continue to use moving forward!

      • Thank you for this DMEL perspective, Anaïs!

        I appreciate your observations on how certain shifts that were forced by the pandemic have led to improvements and opportunities for the future, e.g. in inclusivity and climate change. We hope ConnexUs will be one of those products as well by facilitating accessibility and efficiency.


        I would also love to hear from others about adaptations that addressed current challenges and contributed to future developments!


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