Influencer Projects
Beyond COVID-19
The following projects from our Influencers for Change address pressing social issues in their communities.
Nisaidie Kupaza Sauti [Kenya]
This project by Farida Ally seeks to prevent cases of violence against women and girls in Mombasa County by enhancing awareness of comunity members to identify, prevent, and address the problem. Through local actors, the project will also facilitate psychosocial and economic support for the victims to ensure they continue to live healthy lives. The ultimate aim is to build a movement of people against violence meted on women and girls in Mombasa County that will play active roles in reducing the likelihood of violence against women and girls.
Dado Ako Rada [Kenya]
Roughly translating to “woke lady,” Jackie Waithaka’s project will highlight vulnerable women who are doing social good by bringing change to society, especially in informal settlements in Kenya. It will utilise audio, photos, video to share their work on social media and crowdfund for the cause. The ambassadors themselves will also support with donations and disseminate the audio recordings through a weekly podcast that will host guests to discuss the issues at hand.
Related Links:
– Podcast episodes
Youth 4 Media and Information Literacy (MIL) [Nigeria]
Through this project, Prince Charles Dickson seeks to engage young people, along with members of existing traditional community networks, to tackle misinformation by enhancing their media and information literacy. The participants will be drawn from different faiths and ethnicities to work together and understand the danger of misinformation and social media misuse while acting as interfaith youth champions who encourage pluralism, inclusivity, and diversity. They will also serve as mentors and ambassadors of the campaign to tackle community-led media misinformation, manage the spread of rumors, and encourage media inclusivity; this network of local community-based influencers will be called Youth 4 MIL.