This is a recording of the M&E Thursday Talk from Thursday, November 30th as Stine Chen, Nele Blommestein, and Lisette Gast led a discussion on “Visualizing stories: How Sprockler was used for a baseline measurement in Pakistan.”
M&E Thursday Talk – Visualizing stories: How Sprockler was used for a baseline measurement in Pakistan from DME for Peace on Vimeo.
In early 2017 Oxfam Novib, Saferworld and partners used Sprockler to conduct a baseline measurement for their project on access to fair, legitimate and effective Justice in Pakistan. Sprockler is both a methodology and an online tool that is especially designed to monitor projects in complex contexts. With a need for insights into how citizens in three provinces were seeking justice. citizens were asked the central question: “Could you share a story about a time when you, or someone you know, tried to seek justice to settle a case or dispute – or a time when you wanted to seek justice, but didn’t try?” During this webinar, the Sprockler interactive report that visualises those stories was presented.
About the Speakers:
Stine Chen is global monitoring, evaluation and learning advisor for the thematic unit Conflict and Fragility in Oxfam Novib. As a MEL advisor, Stine focuses on projects within inclusive peace & security, private sector in conflict, and displacement. Stine has experience in rolling out and applying both qualitative and quantitative tools in conflict and fragile settings and is coordinating the Sprockler measurement in Pakistan from Oxfam Novib.
Nele Blommestein is a monitoring and evaluation for learning consultant who is specialised in applying complexity-aware measurement approaches, like Sprockler and Outcome Harvesting. She has experience in fragile and conflict affected contexts and her thematic knowledge includes Conflict Transformation, Women, Peace & Security, Governance, Youth and Gender. Nele is the lead consultant for the Sprockler measurements in Pakistan.
Lisette Gast is co-founder of Sprockler who is specialised in monitoring, evaluation and learning and the facilitation of change processes. She developed the first on-line sensemaking platforms during the mid-nineties. Over the past 20 years she specialised in self-evaluation as an intergral approach in development. She holds special skills in the design and facilitation of participatory and creative evaluation design.