CMI’s publication “Critical Friend: an Innovation in Evaluation and Learning for Peacebuilding” is now out. This is the first issue of our new Policy and Learning publication series. In the publication, we share our experience of using Critical Friend evaluation and learning methodology and the lessons we learned from this evaluation process. We found that the Critical Friend methodology can meet the needs of organizations working in highly complex conflict environments: it can foster learning that improve practice. Therefore, we see that sharing our experimentation with this methodology to be relevant and valuable to others working in this field.
CMI aims to improve the international practice of peacemaking by sharing lessons learned from its own experiencewith colleagues working in this field, so that together we can better address the challenges of today’s complex conflicts. For this reason, Policy and Learning was chosen to be one of the focus areas of CMI’s new Global Programme for 2018-2021.

Critical Friend: an Innovation in Evaluation and Learning for Peacebuilding
Created 04/27/2022
Type: Case Studies, Evaluation
Theme: Evaluation & Learning, General, Program Design, Program Monitoring
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