Reconciliation in theory & in practice

Home Discussion Reconciliation in theory & in practice

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    • Welcome to the discussion following up on the Thursday Talk on Reconciliation with Thania Paffenholz, John Paul Lederach, Andrei Gomez Suarez & Friederike Bubenzer! We received so many great questions during the webinar, and unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to answer them all. That’s why we’ve created this forum to continue the conversation and address any remaining questions. We encourage you to engage in thoughtful dialogue with other participants and share your own experiences and insights related to reconciliation.

    • To get us started, here are some of the questions asked during the webinar that we didn’t have time to answer (edited for clarity). Please feel free to add your own below, and our speakers will answer as they are able:

      1. Freya: Whose responsibility is leading reconciliation efforts?
      2. Laura: How to ensure sustainable reconciliation (When there is transgenerational trauma), how long term does reconciliation efforts need to be?
      3. Tiffany: I am interested in how the arts can be used to support reconciliation in contexts where communities may not be ready to meet together to engage directly in dialogue.  What are the perspectives of the panel on arts-based methods and practices in the context of frozen conflicts or divided societies?
      4. Randall: I’m wondering about the importance of Do No Harm in reference to reconciliation—how to avoid reconciliation as a ‘should’ from outsiders as long as it’s not a ‘want to’ from insiders?
      5. Meried: Conflict-driven issues have been promoted more on social media than reconciliation-related agendas. How can organizations work to transform this tendency?
      6. Elio: How can community-based reconciliation be effective in contexts where high-level political reconciliation has not yet occurred or where one group still clearly holds power above others?
      7. Julie: In a truth-mercy-peace-justice understanding of reconciliation, are there any one of those areas that you believe need more focus now on a macro or networked scale across peace practitioners?
      8. Gabriel: Reconciliation itself isn’t always an equitable process as in some contexts, particularly in extremely violent conflicts, one actor may have been disproportionately affected. Understanding the centrality of reconciliation to sustainable peace processes, how do we encourage support for such processes without diminishing the disproportionate context that some communities in conflicts have experienced?
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