Influencer Projects
Digital COVID-19 Responses
The following projects from our Influencers for Change focus on a COVID-19 response through digital formats.
Corona Matters
This 4-part mini web series by Ayotunde Razaq will be focused on addressing the issues of misinformation and disinformation around the COVID-19 pandemic by persuading Nigerian citizens to reject myths related to COVID-19, accept the reality of the pandemic, and integrate behaviours into long-term habits to adapt to a new normal. The entertaining videos will educate and facilitate a behavioural change that will lead to social cohesion and improved understanding of the dynamics of the ongoing pandemic.
The Last Wave
This social media campaign by Esther Kazungu is aimed at pushing the agenda that vaccination is our best shot at fighting COVID-19, which is a shared responsibility. Premised on the need to protect the future by collectively taking precautions now, the campaign will focus on the current surge of COVID-19, with emphasis on the young people at the forefront who are challenging the generation as a whole to come out in great numbers to vaccinate
Prevention First!
For this project, Hayder Hamzoz and the INSM Network will create a system wherein misinformation is analysed and disseminated across platforms used by Iraqis, such as social media, so that disinformation can be learnt to be detected and its spread limited while providing easy access to the main sources of information. Activities include publishing information that helps citizens to raise awareness of safety and prevention measures in handling COVID-19 and means for obtaining the vaccine, monitoring false and misleading news and sending it to technology companies, and producing live broadcasts featuring scientists and first responders on social media platforms.
Social and Behaviour Change Communication for COVID-19 Response
Siyat Gedi’s project entails disseminating information about the COVID-19 pandemic and promoting peace using vernacular languages of Kenyan communities living in Garissa county. The goal is to create social media communication that enables grassroots communities to get information about coronavirus in a language that they understand. The project will utilise entertaining mediums such as drama films, community influencers, audio poems, and interactive talks to spread positive narratives and combat misinformation.
#VaccineSafe Campaign
This sensitisation campaign by Zainab Sanni aims to enable people at the grassroots to learn about myths related to COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccine in Southwest Nigeria. It will be implemented through the broadcast of a fact check audio series and a radio drama, prioritising the Yoruba language, in addition to being available on the News Verifier Africa’s podcast account and shared across all social media platforms. Through this fact-checking project, underserved communities in southwest Nigeria will be able to access accurate information about the COVID-19 vaccine.
Related Links:
– Podcast episodes